
You can integrate our Payment Gateway with Magento Store to accept payments.

Foloosi's Payments plugin allows you to accept credit/debit on your Magento site easily. This plugin adds Foloosi Payment option on Magento checkout page.

When the user chooses Foloosi as Payment Method, they will be redirected to Foloosi website. Post completion of payment, the user is sent back to Magento website returning transactions details.

A remember me feature allows customers to make a quick payment.

The design is responsive and is compatible across devices and browsers.


Installation Using Composer

Add magento access keys in project base file

copy/paste the access keys in your auth.json file inside your project

Install the plugin in Magento 2

Use "composer require <module_name>:<version>"

Sample installation

For Installing the latest version,

"composer require foloosi/paymentgateway:100.0.8"

Enable this extension in Magento 2

bin/magento module:enable Foloosi_PaymentGateway --clear-static-content

Setup extension and refresh cache

bin/magento setup:upgrade

bin/magento cache:flush

bin/magento setup:di:compile

bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy


Once installed, this module can be configured as usual by logging into the Magento admin area and navigate to,

Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods > Foloosi PaymentGateway


Supports 170 World Currencies

Apple pay will be available only when API mode is in live.


Visit for support requests or email to [email protected].

Developed by

Foloosi Technologies Pvt Ltd.


Copyrights (c) 2024 Foloosi

Last updated

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